A tenant leasing agreement has a number of different facts about the lease in it as well as restrictions, obligations and other legal matters. There are several things that will be listed in each lease including the names of the tenants and landlord, the term of the lease, the address of the unit, if the tenant can have pets and how much the security deposit will be.
The leasing agreement will likely also discuss subletting. Subletting is when the landlord leases the property out, and then the tenant leases it out to someone else. Many landlords do not allow subletting, since it can bring in other people that he or she does not agree to have in the building. Others like subletting, especially if it means filling the apartment when a tenant is unable to pay or wants to move out early.
Another thing that will be in the agreement is what happens if a legal dispute arises. It may state who is responsible for paying legal fees and where to reach the landlord if you have a problem.
Additional information that could be provided in the lease includes who has to pay for utilities, when or why the landlord can enter the property, if there is parking available and how much the rent will be. The due date for the rent should also be listed.
Your attorney can help you better understand a lease or rental agreement before you sign if you’re unsure about what you’re agreeing to. If you have a conflict and want to take your landlord to court, you may want to know more about the laws before you go to trial.