Common construction defects

On Behalf of | Nov 12, 2015 | Construction

People in New York undertake structural projects every day. Whether it’s a commercial project — like a skyscraper or retail center — or a person’s home, the utmost care must be taken in constructing the property. With the help of building code regulations and other construction standards, builders can ensure that the property will be safe and have a table for years to come.

However, not every building project goes according to plan. Many are riddled with construction defects that affect the integrity of the building. It is important for New Yorkers to recognize common construction defects. Property owners who have suffered from a construction defect may have legal rights.

One common type of construction defect is defects in the workmanship. These occur when the work that was done on a building was unsatisfactory. These defects include problems with the building structure, the growth of mold, dry rot, plumbing problems and other issues.

Another type of construction defect is material deficiencies. These defects occur when the materials used to build a particular project are faulty. In these cases, the materials may not hold up to normal wear and tear. Some common types of material defects include leaking windows and problems with roofing shingles and drywall.

Finally, another type of construction defect is design effects. These are defects that are present as a result of errors by design professionals. Design defects include mistakes made by structural engineers, architects and others who designed the building. These defects would have been present no matter who built the building.

Construction litigation can arise when the construction defect causes any issue with a structure. In these cases, property owners need understand their legal rights. In many cases, an attorney can help people understand how to move forward a construction litigation case.
